Monday, June 19, 2006

What is Joy?

Eating delicious food often is joyful; drinking water often is joyful; and going to bathroom when we have to is joyful. Playing games often is joyful; being acknowledged by friends is often joyful; knowing self is doing better than others is often joyful; Counting earned money is often joyful; counting good memories is often joyful; success is often joyful. Writing can be joyful; programing can be joyful; discovering the nature can be joyful ... ...

For simple lifes, joy is very straight. For virus, I would say joy comes from reproduction, because that is about the only thing that they do. Baceteria is more sophiscated. It appears they find eating joyful as well as reproduction. It makes sense that although reproduction is very joyful, but if it has to rely on other hosts to achieve it (like virus), the joy is just unreliable, isn't it? Bacteria certainly have a more stable means of reproduction joy by taking the joy of getting food.

Of course, the joy of bacteria is very unreliable as well. They are very dependent on envrionment. They are most easily being killed by slight changing of their habitat. They survive by numbers and diversification. More sophiscated lifes on earth finds joys in other activities: swiming, running, bathing sunshine or seeking water, and, of course, having sex and raising next generations. The reason there are such joy in having sex I guess must have something to do with a better way of reproduction.

OK, reading what I have wrote so far sounds like I am saying that the life's purpose is to reproduce or ultimately survival of life. I guess so. But whatever that high purpose or meaning is God's or mysterious nature's purpose. For us, the meaning of life is just the joy. I guess God conditioned us so we happen to take joy in accomplishing certain grand scale purpose, so we just need to taking that joy to get a meaningful life.

We, as individual humble life on earth, is at no dimension to see god's purpose. And whatever that purpose is, it is not relevant to us at all. It is possible that we, or the whole universe is just a "Matrix" that God creates for his own ammusment. God's purpose is not the meaning of life for us.

But joy is. So find whatever activities, things, thoughts that we finds joyful, and enjoy it. That is the meaning of life.


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