Monday, July 03, 2006

Master Our Emotions

Emotion is not a bad thing. Emotion is the exact element that fulfills our life. However, sometime, we do regret having certain emotions. Most often, we will do something regretful under the control of angry emotion; and some time, we will regret not doing somthing under the control of fear or shy. Therefore, we often wish we can control our emotions.

Emotions, in my opinion, are our reflexes on the infomation we perceive. Given certain amount of infomation, if is futile to change the emotion we experience. It is like you want to change the sight of your nemesis when he is in front of you. The only possible way to remove that sight is to physically remove that physcial object. Similarly, the only way to change certain emotion is to change the infomation that emotion is based on. More accurately, we need include more infomation into our perception. We only regret having a emotion when we have neglected certain information when that emotion invokes. If we didn't miss any infomation, we will not regret. You will not regret hit somebody when you were angry; but you will regret when you later realize you misunderstood that guy or that guy beats you up or you beats that guy badly. You regret because you had more infomation later that would change your emotions. So to master our emotion, we need train our ability to discover as much infomation as it matters or as many aspects of the same object as we can.

Our emotion is not only based on current events. It also based on our experience, and on infomation we deduced throught our logic mind. So the art of mastering our emotion is not much different than learning in school. First we accumerlate knowledge into experiences; Second we delvelop our ability to do logic deduction. If we have strong experience of regretful concequences of certain emotions, that emotion will not come easily to us. If we have strong ability to deduce more hidden infomations, we are more able to change our biased emotion quick enough to prevent later regreting.

To accumerlate that experience, we need remember the regrets we had and more importantly, remember the hidden infomations that we failed to realize early enough. Only after the memory become permant and can be withdrawn quick enough, it can become an experience prevent us having regretful emotions next time.

To develop our ability to do logical deduce, we need practice doing that on all things we perceive every day. We need practice looking at two sides of the coin and six sides of the cube. When we can quickly see the other side of the meaning, we can change our one-side fed emotion quick enough to avoid regretful actions.


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