Friday, August 04, 2006


While I am looking for source of motivation from inside, I need recognize the power of habbits. Habbits are a form of long term memory on action patterns and thought patterns. A habbit forms when we establish some shortcut from one set of information (or situation) to a piece of memory we have before or even without conscious of why that piece of memory exist in the first place.

For example, a habbit of smile at people, when established, we smile before we feel that joy or recall a reason to smile. Well, for this example, memory of smile often associated with joy or kind feeling, so when we smile (out of habbit), we can later find a piece of joy in it. Which comes first is out of the question.

Some habbits are easy to establish, when that action pattern or thought pattern strongly and directly associated with our inner motivation. It is easy to have the habbit of being, say potato couch. Some habbits are more difficult to establish, when that action pattern or thought pattern is connected to our inner motivation only through a long, wind logic reasoning. For example, the habbit of getting up early. There are bunch of reasons, and one of them being "high achievers normally are early birds". Then through many more logical step, we arrive at we need get up early so we can have more happiness in life. Througn that long logic connection, that "get-up-early" habbit is quite diffictult to establish. Unless, we can discover the joy in getting early itself such as the joy of quiet, freshing morning, and the fresh feeling inside, and, maybe the pride that we are awake while others are still wasting time in slumber. Then the early-bird habbit may not be too hard to establish.

The one habbit on top of my traininglist currently is, respect others before my any judgement.

I am not such a strong minded person that can establish any habbit that a mind set too. I am working hard on reducing the difficulty level of establishing that "respecting" habbit.


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